27 04, 2015

Webinar- Leveling The Playing Field With New Age Global Marketing

By Andrew Vesey|2016-03-07T16:37:39+00:00April 27th, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

The Brand2Global Webinar Series returned on April 8 with the presentation "Leveling The Playing Field With New Age Global Marketing," featuring Ajit Sivadasan (VP/GM at Lenovo.com). Each month, we feature a different speaker(s) from a respected global brand, agency, or academic institution. These global marketing practitioners will detail the challenges they have faced and solutions they have instituted to solve the complex issues facing their companies. Webinar Abstract: "Marketing is going through a dramatic transformation [...]

20 08, 2014

Sailing The Seas Of Social Media

By Andrew Vesey|2014-08-20T14:42:52+00:00August 20th, 2014|Tags: |

This is an excerpt of the full article by Lars Silberbauer,  Global Director of Social Media & Search at LEGO, published in the Brand Quarterly & Brand2Global 'Global Marketing' Special Edition. There are two ways of doing marketing, the traditional way and the social way. The traditional way can be compared to launching a rocket ship where social media marketing is more comparable to negotiating the wind in with a sailboat. In traditional marketing you plan [...]

20 08, 2014

Social Data As A Gift To Localised Marketing

By Andrew Vesey|2014-08-20T14:33:04+00:00August 20th, 2014|Tags: , , |

This is an excerpt of the full article by Brianne Moore & Katie Rigby-Brown,  Business Consultants at SDL, published in the Brand Quarterly & Brand2Global 'Global Marketing' Special Edition. How does a global organisation manage to execute a marketing campaign across 30+ markets while keeping its story in line with the global brand positioning; and retain the message that cultures and distinguishing characteristics of consumers are valued? Experienced global marketers have been searching for the answer [...]

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