14 08, 2015

Why We Shouldn’t Translate Marketing… And Why We Do It Anyway

By Andrew Vesey|2015-08-19T12:49:09+00:00August 14th, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

At Dell we have built a world class e-commerce and marketing translation program; delivering best in class quality (and value) for our spend. We have a robust Ad Agency – Internal Marketing – Translation workflow, and yet, we (the translation process) still fail to deliver to expectations much more often than we would like.

5 07, 2015

Cultural Customization Of Digital Media: An Imperative

By Andrew Vesey|2015-07-05T13:42:52+00:00July 5th, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

Gone are the days when you could simply translate your current website or digital media and instantly compete on the global market. Every business with an online presence has the opportunity to be successful globally. So now is the time to consider the benefits of cultural customization over basic translation.

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