7 02, 2016

WEBINAR ON DEMAND: Why We Shouldn’t Translate Marketing… And Why We Do It Anyway.

By |2016-03-07T16:34:06+00:00Februar 7th, 2016|Tags: , |

To translate or not to translate? Local Ad-agency or marketing teams are much better suited for crafting relevant local copy for marketing campaigns; they understand the local culture and they aren’t restrained by being “true to the source.” The conundrum that enterprises are facing though, is they just can’t afford the cost, time, and resource investment to have a marketer in every local. For the enterprise, translations isn’t about getting your message into local language, [...]

14 08, 2015

Why We Shouldn’t Translate Marketing… And Why We Do It Anyway

By |2015-08-19T12:49:09+00:00August 14th, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

At Dell we have built a world class e-commerce and marketing translation program; delivering best in class quality (and value) for our spend. We have a robust Ad Agency – Internal Marketing – Translation workflow, and yet, we (the translation process) still fail to deliver to expectations much more often than we would like.

23 07, 2014

Adapt Or Die: How To Best Approach Web-Localization Efforts

By |2014-07-30T09:09:31+00:00Juli 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , |

This is an excerpt of the full article by Julio Leal, Head of Localization at Ciena, published in the Brand Quarterly & Brand2Global 'Global Marketing' Special Edition. Adaptation is all about survival. If a website is to survive and succeed, it needs to adapt constantly - the alternative isn’t an option. But what happens when a company has multiple websites, each of them serving a specific local market in its native language and with its’ own [...]