Dr. Nitish Singh is an Associate Professor of International Business & Director of Program Innovations at the Boeing Inst. of International Business, St. Louis University. He serves as the Program Leader for Certificate in Ethics & Compliance, Exec Cert in Web Globalization, and is also a Scholar Member/Adjunct Professor at the Center for Sustainability, St. Louis University.
Dr. Singh is the author of ‘Localization Strategies for Global e-Business’ published by Cambridge University Press 2012. He has also co-authored ‘The Culturally Customized Website’ and “Proliferation of the Internet Economy’, and he has published more than 40 academic papers in top journals. His primary research focuses on cross cultural consumer marketing, global e-business and sustainability. He holds a PhD in Marketing and International Business from St. Louis University and an MBA and MA from universities in India and the United Kingdom. His educational & research efforts have been supported by the US Department of Education, Qatar Foundation, CSU, Google, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Lionbridge and other companies.
Read Dr Singh’s article ‘A Localized Global Marketing Strategy: Why Every Business Needs One’ online at BrandQuarterly.com as an individual website article or check out this and much more great content in the August 2013 issue of Brand Quarterly.
View Dr Singh’s Brand2Global Webinar Series presentation: ‘Global Social Media Usage Insights’ on GlobalBusinessProfessor.com
Sessions for Dr. Nitish Singh
- Culturally Customized Web Design Workshop (GDMLC Certification Intro Course) - Brand2Global Silicon Valley 2016
- Session 7: Optimizing Global Marketing Budgets: The Global Segmentation Tool - Brand2Global Silicon Valley 2017
- Global Marketing Trends & Research Insights - Brand2Global London 2014