Kaaren Whitney-Vernon
Kaaren Whitney-Vernon
The advance of technology is greater than our society can deal with. Around the world industries, people and communities are getting left behind. The speed of change makes it imperative that we prepare the next generation for this new normal, but we are relying solely on the old learning models and it is not working. In 2014, Google shone a spotlight on themselves. 70% of its 57,000 employees were men, 83% of its tech staff was male and 79% of leadership was male. (http://fortune.com/2016/03/09/girls-who-code-international-womens-day/)
Kaaren Whitney-Vernon from shift2 Inc., will present how those in the entertainment business have a responsibility and opportunity to create a global platform that will help to change the views of technology and how girls can play a larger role in this industry.