Mobile-Forward Design for Global Brands
Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 4:45pm – 5:15pm
Held in: QCC

Benjamin B. Sargent
Content Globalization Strategist
Common Sense Advisory

Mobile-Forward Design for Global Brands
Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 4:45pm – 5:15pm
Held in: QCC

Benjamin B. Sargent
Content Globalization Strategist
Common Sense Advisory

The small screen is here to stay. In the future, and already today, you’re only as good as your 320-pixel wide display. In a recent analysis of 150 brands offering 25 or more languages at their websites, CSA Research found that companies deploying app-like interfaces sustain publishing in more languages than other brands. This presentation delves into website design practices and an emerging trend that CSA Research calls “mobile-forward design.” The new approach surfaces a single CX for screen-hopping users, reduces cost and complexity in development, and accelerates content velocity across regions and languages.
In his session, senior analyst Ben Sargent:
  • sets out the principles of mobile-forward design
  • identifies criteria for implementation
  • provides examples of MFD in practice
  • discusses the business drivers underlying its adoption.