Jon Mamela
Destination Canada
John Ounpuu
Modern Craft
Jon Mamela
Destination Canada
John Ounpuu
Modern Craft
Modern Craft Co-Founder and Partner John Ounpuu will co-present with the Jon Mamela, who oversees multiple business units, including Global Marketing & Communications, International Markets, Consumer & Market Intelligence, Business Events Canada (Meetings & Conventions), and Partnerships. at Destination Canada. John has worked closely with Jon, making Destination Canada a worldwide brand.
John and Jon’s session, titled “Growing Brands in the Age of Passion” will include deep insights into the challenges facing global marketers today. In these times of rising complexity and constant transition, it’s easier than ever for brand leaders to become distracted and overwhelmed, and harder than ever to rise above the noise and win the scarce attention of media-saturated customers. The best way to stay focused and keep pace is to adopt a specific form of customer-centricity—an obsession with customer passions.
Jon and John believe human passions outlast cycles of technological change. They force brands to bridge silos, to see customers more as humans and less as targets and, ultimately, change the way they work, plan and spend. In this session, the audience will hear first-hand how Destination Canada turned this insight into a successful new working model. They’ll also take away some concrete tips that can be applied within their organization, regardless of industry.
Key takeaways of this session include:
- The internet and related cultural shifts have created tribes of people around the world united by shared passions
- These tribes transcend borders and demographics—and cycles of technological and behavioral change
- Strongly felt passions are deeply tied to identity and self-expression—this makes them a powerful lever to earn attention and drive action
The topic also speaks to a larger trend beyond marketing: the pursuit of meaning through personal passions is forecasted to grow central to our lives as we enter the post-work world that awaits us on the other side of digital disruption and the rise of AI.