Session 1: Globalizing Snackable Content To Enhance Micro Experiences Locally
Monday, October 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:30am
Held in: Quadrus Conference Center

Bruno Herrmann
Director of Globalization
The Nielsen Company

Session 1: Globalizing Snackable Content To Enhance Micro Experiences Locally
Monday, October 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:30am
Held in: Quadrus Conference Center

Bruno Herrmann
Director of Globalization
The Nielsen Company

International customers receive, perceive and consume content throughout their journey, from when they look for information to the moment they become active users and proud ambassadors. Therefore it is paramount to create, localize and customize content to meet the requirements and aspirations tied to their multiple facets. In order to create immersive experiences within regions and countries it is crucial to speak to customers linguistically, culturally and functionally when and where customers want it. Therefore delivering snackable content that is easy to understand and quick to digest is an imperative to align with the number of micro experiences that make or break their satisfaction and trust. The ability to make it reusable, scalable and modular in a sensible fashion comes to play as well.

Key points and takeaways will include:

  • Leveraging agility in an agile way to enrich content experiences at the right time and for the right people
  • Boosting content effectiveness to cover the whole content value chain and to synchronize it with experience lifecycles across ecosystems
  • Ensuring that holistic experiences that are made up of synchronous and asynchronous micro experiences are relevant at all times

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