Exploring The Role of Visual Arts In Modern Communications
Thursday, October 1, 2015, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Room A

Dean Russell
EMEA Creative Strategy Director

Jennifer Arboine
MA, Fine Arts Student
Chelsea College of Art UAL

Ambika Subramaniam
MA, Fine Arts Student
Chelsea College of Art UAL

Exploring The Role of Visual Arts In Modern Communications
Thursday, October 1, 2015, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Room A

Dean Russell
EMEA Creative Strategy Director

Jennifer Arboine
MA, Fine Arts Student
Chelsea College of Art UAL

Ambika Subramaniam
MA, Fine Arts Student
Chelsea College of Art UAL

Dean Russell, Fellow at the RSA and EMEA Creative Strategy Director for LEWIS PR is joined by Jennifer Arboine & Ambika Subramaniam. Together, they will explore the role visual arts in modern communications. The session will include discussion around the psychological impact of multimedia on the viewer and participant, along with engaging the audience with a hands-on element to explore how they can tap into their own personal creativity.