A View Beyond The Region
Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 5:15pm – 6:00pm
Held in: Room A

Susie Hamlin
Director Advertising, Media & Sponsorships

A View Beyond The Region
Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 5:15pm – 6:00pm
Held in: Room A

Susie Hamlin
Director Advertising, Media & Sponsorships

As any organization knows, there are many ways to approach resourcing and executing on global programs. We have fluctuated between models of centralization at corporate, decentralization in-country and a mixed model. The default mixed model approach for many companies including my own has been to batch all countries from a particular region within the same support model.

Our ultimate goal is to identify a model that will yield the most value with the smallest increase in headcount and least duplication. In this session, we’ll explore some alternatives that may challenge conventional thinking. We’ll look at the various data points that were used to establish a point of view on the viability of each option as well as share where we are on our journey to implementation.