The Content Wrangler is a popular destination for communication professionals seeking information about content management. We also maintain several social networking sites The Content Wrangler Community on Facebook and The Content Wrangler Community on Linkedin, both of which support a global network of content professionals from around the world. We also have a very popular feed on Twitter.

Dubbed “The Content Wrangler,” Scott Abel is the Founder and CEO of The Content Wrangler, Inc, a full-service content strategy consultancy. He specializes in helping content-heavy organizations improve the way they author, maintain, publish and archive their information assets.

The Content Wrangler can help you deliver the right information, to the right people, at the right time, on the right device, in the right format and language. Your content is your most valuable business asset. Let us show you how to manage it efficiently and effectively.

A formal journalism education, combined with 10+ years as a technical writer, makes Scott a natural choice for content marketing professionals and organizations who need the tools to write content once and use it often.

Scott is a founding member of Content Management Professionals and co-produces the annual Intelligent Content Conference and Content Strategy Workshops. In addition, Scott writes regularly for content industry publications and and was listed by as one of the top 50 content marketing resources on Twitter.