Brand2Global InsightsAndrew Vesey2020-05-21T19:05:09+00:00

Brand2Global Insights

2202, 2021

Localizing at Home: Making Campaigns for the Hispanic Market in the US

By Josefina Barrancos|February 22nd, 2021|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Globalization, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Josefina Barrancos, a recent graduate of both the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization program. The contents of this paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any [...]

2905, 2019

Minimalism Strategy in Global Marketing

By Ryan Schmidt|May 29th, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution|

This is a paper presented by Ryan Schmidt, a recent graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certificate program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. This does [...]

904, 2019

La French Touch – The country-of-origin effect and the new generation of French brands 

By Anna Zgadzaj|April 9th, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, GBMC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Anna Zgadzaj, a recent graduate of the Global Branding and Marketing Certification (GBMC) program, and a former graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Branding and Marketing program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are [...]

2203, 2019

Empowering Learners in a Global World

By Rebecca Gordon|March 22nd, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Rebecca Gordon, a recent graduate of both the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. [...]

2901, 2019

The Challenge of Localizing Taglines and Slogans

By Maren Baetje-Mbaye|January 29th, 2019|Categories: Digital Marketing, GBMC Graduate Contribution, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Maren Baetje-Mbaye, a recent graduate of both the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) and the Global Branding and Marketing Certification (GBMC) programs. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Branding and Marketing program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted [...]

1712, 2018

Localisation Strategy: Industrial Metrology Company Case Study

By Lucy Kirmond|December 17th, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Lucy Kirmond, a recent graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certificate program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. [...]

1010, 2018

Ladies Have a Say!

By Olesia Semenets|October 10th, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Olesia Semenets, a recent graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certificate program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. [...]

3008, 2018

Messaging hierarchy in native Russian women’s apparel websites and in localized websites: possibilities and missed opportunities

By Ekaterina Howard|August 30th, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Ekaterina Howard, a recent graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certificate program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. [...]

1806, 2018

5 Ways Teams can Approach Quality Control in Localization

By Andy Andersen|June 18th, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Andy Andersen, a recent graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certificate program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. [...]

1505, 2018

I need a hero! Companies taking political stands in digital media

By The Brand2Global Team|May 15th, 2018|Categories: Digital Marketing, GDMLC Graduate Contribution, Localization|

This is a paper presented by Stéphanie Guimond, a recent graduate of the Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certification (GDMLC) program. This paper presents the work being produced by students of The Localization Institute’s Global Digital Marketing and Localization Certificate program. The contents of this Paper are presented to create discussion in the global marketing industry on this topic; the contents of this paper are not to be considered an adopted standard of any kind. This [...]

1704, 2018

Global Digital Marketing Localization Certification: Double your expertise in Record Time!

By The Brand2Global Team|April 17th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

The fastest, most convenient way to hone your skills for Global Digital Marketing and Localization Combining cutting-edge digital media engagement skills and a global mindset to synthesize your company’s brand message across distinct geographic and social markets is one of the most challenging and demanding jobs in business. Instead of seeing it as a task fraught with peril and risk, our newest localization course gives you the skills to harness Global Digital Marketing and Localization [...]

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